Welcome to our Safeguarding guide. This page will talk you through how to get help if you are concerned about your safety or the safety of others.

Safeguarding - Digital Safety
At Acacia Training our aim is to ensure the safety of our learners, employees, and the wider community in which we serve and work. We take this duty seriously and want to support people where we can, to seek and access support.
When we use the term “safeguarding” this includes any type of harm, such as abuse (physical, sexual, racial, emotional, mental, financial), bullying &harassment, prevent & risk of radicalisation, digital & online safety – any area where a vulnerability or vulnerable person is being exposed, knowingly or unknowingly and is at risk – we are here to help both within our statutory and ethical duty as a business operating in education and within British values.
Everyone at Acacia Training has undertaken safeguarding training and are encouraged to be vigilant and report any concerns. This is to help you and any support you access and reach out for will be treated without judgement and with the upmost sensitivity.
“We will support learners, without judgement and with the utmost sensitivity. We are a safe space in which you can access help and guidance”
Victoria Sylvester – Acacia Training CEO
How to share a concern and reach out for help
We know everyone communicates differently and want to ensure you can reach out in a method that is comfortable and accessible for you.
- You can talk, email or communicate with your tutor if this is the person you feel most at ease with.
- You can directly email, ring or message a designated safeguarding officer using the contact details below or on the slack platform.
All routes will take you to a qualified & experienced safeguarding officer who will reach out to you directly or through your tutor.