Become a Coaching Professional

Employees with coaching skills in any role can engage with and empower individuals, allowing them to enhance their professional performance.

Employers that invest in Coaching improve team performance, reduce staff turnover and increase company revenue.

What is a Coaching Professional?

Day to day, a coach will engage with members of an organisation, bringing fresh ideas and perspectives to their roles, allowing them to continually support their team in new and engaging ways.

The coach will have a number of stake holders, from managers and heads of departments to heads of the business itself.

The coach will typically engage with key teams throughout the organisation, including Human Resources, Learning and Development, Training Providers, Supervisors and other work place networks.

A coach may also interact with occupational health, support and faith-based organisations, and/or charities etc. to provide specialised support as needed to suit the circumstances.

The benefits of strong coaching culture to an employer

Through this qualification, employees can coach individuals and teams to improve performance and ultimately increase revenue.

19% of companies indicated an return on investment (ROI) of 50x the investment. 28% saw an ROI of 10-49x the investment, with the average return being 7x the investment

This FREE Level 5 apprenticeship will give employees the knowledge, expertise and qualification needed to succeed as a workplace coach

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  • 80 %

    of people who receive coaching report improved self confidence

  • > 70 %

    of people benefit from improved work performance

  • 79 %

    Say it’s useful for adopting new technologies and ways of working

  • 93 %

    of companies found that employees reward the value placed in them through coaching by performing better at work, and not by leaving

  • 86 %

    of companies that could calculate their return on investment said that they at least made back their initial investment

  • 28 %

    Saw a return on investment that exceeded their initial investment, with an average of 7x ROI

“National EPA are happy to be working in partnership with Acacia Training, completing end-point assessments for their Coaching Professional Level 5 Apprentices. The Coaching Professional Apprenticeship is making waves across all sectors of business, with Apprentices commenting that they are starting to see an increase in staff retention, employee satisfaction and increased autonomy. We are proud to be supporting their journey.”

Ashley Robertson, MD National EPA.

Course contents

Level 5 Coaching Professional Standard

End Point Assessment

Delivery Model

1 to 1 support

20% off the job training

Monthly workshops

Practice & observations


Level 2 Functional Skills Maths

Level 2 Functional Skills English

What makes an excellent coach?

Coaches are skilled listeners and will question skills to increase the self-awareness of team members, which will positively impact the development of the team. With enhanced self-awareness, the employee receiving coaching (the coachee) can deliver bespoke actions leading to positive change.

Coaches use emotional and social intelligence to promote confidence in the coachee through the development of wellbeing, self-awareness, and resilience.

Coaches are non-judgemental and always encouraging.

Coaches manage relationships with coachees on a one-to-one basis, which can be in person, or remotely i.e. via zoom, and will provide non-judgemental feedback.

Coaches can also work with teams to increase collective awareness and promote positive change throughout the team.

The Level 5 Coaching Apprenticeship standard aligns with the following professional recognition:
European Mentoring and Coaching Council for Accredited Coaching Practitioner
The Association for Coaching for Accredited Coach
The International Coach Federation for Associate Certified Coach

Your role as a coach

As a coach you will be responsible for:

Your working relationship with the coaches, with consideration being given to the individuals in their teams.
Managing the quality of your own work. You will be expected to maintain CPD (continuous professional development) and engage in appropriate support networks.
Promoting coach culture where applicable
Embedding an appropriate culture through a coaching program or change program.
Working with leaders within the company with a view to overcome issues, remove barriers and promote success.
Working with middle management to ensure that the positive culture is embedded from the moment younger generations join the company.
You may be expected to meet with coachees in a variety of surroundings, both indoors and outdoors, meaning hours might be irregular. Virtual meetings can, however, be arranged to ease this.

Take a look at just some of the job’s that a Coaching Professional Level 5 Apprenticeship typically undertakes.

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  • Business Coach

  • Career Coach

  • Coaching Practitioner

  • Leadership Coach

  • Performance Coach

  • Team Coach

  • Wellbeing Coach

  • Systemic Coach

  • Coaching Professional

  • Change leader