22 December 2022

Multiply – Developing Better Numeracy Skills

With a new year on the horizon, many of us will be thinking about setting goals for ourselves. Some of the goals may be around improving an existing skill, like numeracy skills.

Numeracy (Maths) is something that impacts many aspects our everyday lives so the more we understand it, the better our lives can be, whether it’s reading a bank statement or helping our children with their homework.

Multiply, a new government-funded programme, has been created to help adults with their numeracy skills. Acacia Training has been selected as one of the providers to deliver this programme across Stoke-on-Trent and Staffordshire. The following range of tailor-made, fully funded courses will be available (online and face-to-face teaching):

Maths Made Easy
This programme will support learners to go back to basics, dispel some of the myths surrounding maths and overcome maths anxiety. Learners will develop basic maths skills for everyday life which will be delivered using practical examples such as managing money, travel planning and meal preparation.

Finance Debt & Management
This programme will help learners gain an understanding of lending and the associated risks. Learners will gain knowledge on different types of lending, managing personal debt and where to seek support to manage personal finances.

Maths to Move Up
This programme will enable learners to develop specific numeracy skills for the workplace. Through working with employers, programme delivery will focus on specific role related activities and tasks that require specific numeracy skills to perform. Problem solving will be the starting point to build confidence and support learners in understanding the maths skills being learned.

Numeracy for Care Leavers
This programme will support learners to develop numeracy skills for life and work. Learners will develop basic maths skills for everyday life, alongside this learners will gain an understanding of numeracy for the workplace. These which will be delivered using practical examples such as managing money, travel planning, meal preparation and pay. 

To sign up, please fill out our expression of interest form (scroll down and select ‘Maths Multiply‘ from the list of courses) – https://acaciatraining.co.uk/expression-of-interest/

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Acacia Training and CGI: A new, exciting ed-tech...

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Our VTCT Level 3 Certificate in Swedish Massage Starts in Stoke-on-Trent on Saturday 8th June
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Our VTCT Level 3 Certificate in Swedish Massage Starts...

Our VTCT Level 3 Certificate in Swedish Massage starts in Stoke-on-Trent on…

#MyWayFriday – creating a culture of personal and professional wellbeing
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#MyWayFriday – creating a culture of personal and professional...

Almost a year ago, our Director of People and Culture (Hannah Wheawall)…

11 February 2022

National Apprenticeship Week – Clare’s Story

The final Apprentice spotlight shines on our very own Clare Hancock, who completed an Operations / Departmental Manager Level 5 Apprenticeship, allowing her to scale new heights within her career!

Enrolling on the apprenticeship when she was in her late 30s, Clare says that the Apprenticeship gave her progression opportunities that she otherwise would not have experienced, and enabled her to be much more adaptable within her role.

Apprenticeship being undertaken with Acacia Training

Operations / Departmental Manager Apprenticeship – Level 5

How would you rate your experience of the Apprenticeship?

5 out of 5!

What work experience or level of qualification did you have before you started your Apprenticeship?

I have always worked since I was 16, but during my career I have been fortunate to access multiple opportunities through further education. I did have a prior level 5 qualification but in different field so this was a completely new sector to learn about.

How would you describe an Apprenticeship to someone who is not familiar with Apprenticeships?

I didn’t start my Apprenticeship until I was in my late 30’s, I thought I had done all my learning but I was given a further opportunity through Acacia that would allow me to progress further in my career. My apprenticeship allowed me to learn on the job, it was completely flexible to my commitments, my tutor was very engaged and knowledgeable – I would definitely recommend an Apprenticeship to anyone considering one.

What encouraged you to undertake an Apprenticeship?

For me it was the progression opportunities and that the course would enable me to be more adaptable within my role.

Has the Apprenticeship enabled you to progress in your career and / or achieve personal goals?

Following on from the completion on my Apprenticeship I was successful in applying for a senior management role within Acacia and my growth has been amazing. I do believe that my apprenticeship had a huge part to play.

In your opinion, what has been the best thing about undertaking an Apprenticeship?

The apprenticeship allowed me to continue to learn whilst still earning a living. Allowed me to gain a nationally recognised qualification. Watched my own journey turn into something amazing.

To find out how you could benefit from a fully funded Apprenticeship, speak to a member of our expert team today at skills@acaciatraining.co.uk or call us on 01782 646 346

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Acacia Training and CGI: A new, exciting ed-tech partnership that highlights the importance of outstanding governance training
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Acacia Training and CGI: A new, exciting ed-tech...

Acacia Training are thrilled to be partnering with The Corporate Governance Institute…

Our VTCT Level 3 Certificate in Swedish Massage Starts in Stoke-on-Trent on Saturday 8th June
5 Jun 2024

Our VTCT Level 3 Certificate in Swedish Massage Starts...

Our VTCT Level 3 Certificate in Swedish Massage starts in Stoke-on-Trent on…

#MyWayFriday – creating a culture of personal and professional wellbeing
4 Jun 2024

#MyWayFriday – creating a culture of personal and professional...

Almost a year ago, our Director of People and Culture (Hannah Wheawall)…

9 February 2022

Manage a team with an Apprenticeship – Rebecca’s story

Rebecca, Woods is a Deputy Manager at Tab Care and Support and has recently enrolled on a Level 5 Apprenticeship in Leadership and Management.

Rebecca is just one more of many management level workers who has benefited from an Apprenticeship and attributes much of what they currently do to the skills that Acacia Training were able to support them with.

What work experience and / or qualifications did you have before you started your Apprenticeship?

Media, Law, Psychology A level
Maths, English, Maths GCSE and Functional Skills Level 2
Creative Arts and Media Diploma Level 2
First class BSC Psychology Degree

I also worked in Residential childcare for 6 years; 2 and a half years as support worker, 2 as team leader, and 18 months as deputy

What encouraged you to undertake an Apprenticeship?

Wanting to progress towards being a registered manager.

Is the Apprenticeship what you expected? Please explain why or why not.

Yes – it was very positive and informative, giving me a deeper understanding of the work I am carrying out with the young people in my care.

In your opinion, what has been the best thing about undertaking an Apprenticeship?

Refreshing my knowledge of attachment, child development. This has improved and supported my approach and ability to understand the young people significantly

What have Acacia Training and your employer done to support your learning journey?

Acacia have given me new levels of knowledge of legislation and then encourage me to think more broadly in terms of how to improve the standards that are already outlined in the legislation, considering what the next steps are in order to ensure the well-being of the young people in care.

What new skills have you acquired in undertaking the Apprenticeship?

Being able to think more critically and being able to apply my knowledge more promisingly in a manner that ensures outcomes for the young people

In what ways have Apprenticeships exceeded your expectations? Would you recommend them to others?

I did not recognise how much this would improve my capabilities and understanding of my role and improve my abilities to lead and manage a team.

To find out how you could benefit from a fully funded Apprenticeship, speak to a member of our expert team today at skills@acaciatraining.co.uk or call us on 01782 646 346

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Acacia Training and CGI: A new, exciting ed-tech partnership that highlights the importance of outstanding governance training
7 Jun 2024

Acacia Training and CGI: A new, exciting ed-tech...

Acacia Training are thrilled to be partnering with The Corporate Governance Institute…

Our VTCT Level 3 Certificate in Swedish Massage Starts in Stoke-on-Trent on Saturday 8th June
5 Jun 2024

Our VTCT Level 3 Certificate in Swedish Massage Starts...

Our VTCT Level 3 Certificate in Swedish Massage starts in Stoke-on-Trent on…

#MyWayFriday – creating a culture of personal and professional wellbeing
4 Jun 2024

#MyWayFriday – creating a culture of personal and professional...

Almost a year ago, our Director of People and Culture (Hannah Wheawall)…

9 February 2022

“I set up my own business thanks to an Apprenticeship!” – Danielle’s story

Morning Dannielle! Please tell us your name, what your job is and what Apprenticeship you are doing or have just completed?

Hi! My name is Dannielle Dunn and I am the Owner / Director at cosmetics manufacturer ‘Divine Box’. I recently started a Level 5 Apprenticeship in Ops Management.

Can you tell us a little bit about how your career within care, specifically Residential Childcare – where it all started and how your career has developed to where it is now?

At 16 I Went to college to do the equivalent of what was then known as NVQ level 2 in Care, and soon after, began work in the care industry. I started off in the community for the elderly before moving on to work with people with learning disabilities.

I went on to study my NVQ level 3 and continued in the field, eventually taking up position of Senior Care Worker and then Care Co-ordinator. I worked very long hours, sometimes doing a sleep-in during the night and then straight into the office for work the next day; it was hard work but was ultimately very rewarding.

After a number of years, I moved back to Stoke to join Acacia Training as an assessor for people studying Health and Social Care. This was and still is a challenging role, but, like my past career, it taught me new skills.

It was during this time that I decided to enroll on a Level 5 Apprenticeship in Ops Management, which has given me even more confidence in my own abilities; I thought “if I can encourage someone to go for it, then why can’t I go self -employed myself?”.

During the start of the recent lockdown, I made the difficult decision to go self-employed, which has turned out to be one of the best decisions I have ever made. The ecommerce platform on which Divine Box operates has thrived, and I have been able to build a close knit and supportive team around me. My Mum and Dad are both on the wholesale team, with a close friend doing the admin, and my partner is working alongside me every step of the way.

How has the Apprenticeship training and support helped your career progression?

I initially wanted to begin the Apprenticeship because I have always been a creative person, but wanted to learn the business side of things. I was a member of several online communities during lockdown, but the Apprenticeship gave me a much better understanding of the business side things, and I now feel confident and ready to take this on myself.

What, if anything, did you know about Apprenticeships before you did one yourself?

Due to working with Acacia Training, I was aware of the many and great benefits of Apprenticeships. I have always thought that they are massively important. You really get to develop as person and grow in areas you didn’t know you could. Thanks to Apprenticeships, there is always an opportunity to learn, whatever field or industry it might be in.

What has been your experience of juggling the Apprenticeship training and working full time?

This year I have made the promise to myself to set aside time for personal development. The Apprenticeship has allowed me to give admin staff more hours and has encouraged me to manage the business in a more ‘hands off’ management capacity. This new viewpoint will give me time and a reason to concentrate on myself and develop myself to manage the business. It’s a very exciting time!

Do you thimk other people realise that anyone of any age can access Apprenticeship training up to Degree and even Master’s degree level?

I don’t think they do! I’m all for spreading the word and have already discussed doing an Apprenticeship with my Head of Administration at Divine Box. Unless I worked for Acacia, I probably wouldn’t have known the benefits or even the possibility to enrol on an Apprenticeship at this point of my journey. It was when I was teaching – I realised that one of my eldest learners was 69 and wanted to learn something before she retired. It was a lightbulb moment!

What Benefits of completing an Apprenticeship as an employed adult have you seen?

A former colleague of mine was in her 50s and worked at a care provider. She completed an Apprenticeship which taught her a great deal in management, bookkeeping and accounting. The Apprenticeship taught her what she needed to run a business, and one of her projects on the Apprenticeship was to set up a business plan, which I helped her put together and developed with policies and procedures. This business plan eventually became the basis of her own business.

In the end, thanks to the knowledge gained on the Level 5 Apprenticeship in Care, my colleague went on to set up her own care home!

What advice would you give to someone who might be considering doing an Apprenticeship for the first time?

Quite simply “To absolutely go for it. Take the leap and do it.”

To find out how you could benefit from a fully funded Apprenticeship, speak to a member of our expert team today at skills@acaciatraining.co.uk or call us on 01782 646 346

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Acacia Training and CGI: A new, exciting ed-tech...

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Our VTCT Level 3 Certificate in Swedish Massage Starts in Stoke-on-Trent on Saturday 8th June
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Our VTCT Level 3 Certificate in Swedish Massage Starts...

Our VTCT Level 3 Certificate in Swedish Massage starts in Stoke-on-Trent on…

#MyWayFriday – creating a culture of personal and professional wellbeing
4 Jun 2024

#MyWayFriday – creating a culture of personal and professional...

Almost a year ago, our Director of People and Culture (Hannah Wheawall)…

9 February 2022

National Apprenticeship Week – Emma’s Management Success

Another amazing example of how even managers can benefit from undertaking an Apprenticeship. Emma McAllister is a Manager at CSM Independence who enrolled on a Level 5 Apprenticeship in Leadership and Management.

Emma values the support that she receives during her Apprenticeship from her assessor, who Emma says has encourage her to look at things from a different, and useful, point of view.

Apprenticeship being undertaken with Acacia Training

Level 5 Apprenticeship in Leadership and Management

What work experience and / or qualifications did you have before you started your Apprenticeship?

Managerial roles in Single Homeless Hostel, Liverpool and managerial role in semi-independent accommodation with young people age between 16-18 years.

What encouraged you to undertake an Apprenticeship?

Having the qualification will secure further personal development and opportunities within the industry.

In your opinion, what has been the best thing about undertaking an Apprenticeship?

The Apprenticeship has worked well as I can go at my own pace and my assessor is very supportive.

What have Acacia Training and your employer done to support your learning journey?

My assessor is on hand the majority of the time and my employer allow me to complete work in work hours if need be.

What new skills have you acquired in undertaking the Apprenticeship?

I have learned to talk through any questions or queries with my assessor – we often have long conversations about situations which arise in the workplace. My assessor has encouraged me to look at things with a different view from time to time.

In what ways have Apprenticeships exceeded your expectations? Would you recommend them to others?

I would recommend to others as it is a relaxed way of working.

To find out how you could benefit from a fully funded Apprenticeship, speak to a member of our expert team today at skills@acaciatraining.co.uk or call us on 01782 646 346

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Acacia Training and CGI: A new, exciting ed-tech partnership that highlights the importance of outstanding governance training
7 Jun 2024

Acacia Training and CGI: A new, exciting ed-tech...

Acacia Training are thrilled to be partnering with The Corporate Governance Institute…

Our VTCT Level 3 Certificate in Swedish Massage Starts in Stoke-on-Trent on Saturday 8th June
5 Jun 2024

Our VTCT Level 3 Certificate in Swedish Massage Starts...

Our VTCT Level 3 Certificate in Swedish Massage starts in Stoke-on-Trent on…

#MyWayFriday – creating a culture of personal and professional wellbeing
4 Jun 2024

#MyWayFriday – creating a culture of personal and professional...

Almost a year ago, our Director of People and Culture (Hannah Wheawall)…

8 February 2022

National Apprenticeship Week – A Five Star Experience

A Five Star Experience! 

Jodie Wilcox, Carer/ Risk Assessor at Anchorage Care Group, rated her Apprenticeship experience as 5 out of 5 and attributes her ability to analyse situations, raise concerns and ultimately meet the needs of her service users to her Apprenticeship.

Apprenticeship being undertaken with Acacia Training

Care diploma level 2

What encouraged you to undertake an Apprenticeship?

I really enjoy working in care. I felt motivated to progress in my career due to positive feedback from service users who all expressed that they were happy with the service I provided. I also really enjoy learning and enjoy undertaking new challenges.

Is the Apprenticeship what you expected? Please explain why or why not.

Yes. I have learned a lot and feel I am able to provide a very good standard of care to my service users. My management team are confident in my abilities and trust me to be able to give up to date and accurate information as needed.

In your opinion, what has been the best thing about undertaking an Apprenticeship?

Learning so much has given me the ability to empower my service users which enables them to receive the best possible care based on their needs in a person-centred way. I’m able to meet their individual needs and analyse their situations in depth which gives me the ability to raise any concerns and ensure we meet their needs.

What have Acacia Training and your employer done to support your learning journey?

They have given me lots of advice, encouragement, motivation, education and support as needed.

What new skills have you acquired in undertaking the Apprenticeship?

I have a greater understanding of people’s rights, legislation and I have learned about person centred care, which has helped me give a good care service at a high standard.

In what ways have Apprenticeships exceeded your expectations? Would you recommend them to others?

I would highly recommend Acacia training. They are supportive and motivate you, to want to do your best.

To find out how you could benefit from a fully funded Apprenticeship, speak to a member of our expert team today at skills@acaciatraining.co.uk or call us on 01782 646 346

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Acacia Training and CGI: A new, exciting ed-tech partnership that highlights the importance of outstanding governance training
7 Jun 2024

Acacia Training and CGI: A new, exciting ed-tech...

Acacia Training are thrilled to be partnering with The Corporate Governance Institute…

Our VTCT Level 3 Certificate in Swedish Massage Starts in Stoke-on-Trent on Saturday 8th June
5 Jun 2024

Our VTCT Level 3 Certificate in Swedish Massage Starts...

Our VTCT Level 3 Certificate in Swedish Massage starts in Stoke-on-Trent on…

#MyWayFriday – creating a culture of personal and professional wellbeing
4 Jun 2024

#MyWayFriday – creating a culture of personal and professional...

Almost a year ago, our Director of People and Culture (Hannah Wheawall)…

8 February 2022

National Apprenticeship Week – Chris’ Story

Chris Hughes is a Home Carer at Surecare, currently working on a Level 3 Apprenticeship in Adult Care (RQF). As a Retired civil servant and a volunteer with Macmillan Chris was looking to underpin practical knowledge with the theory and understanding.

What work experience and / or qualifications did you have before you started your Apprenticeship?

Retired civil servant and a volunteer with Macmillan

In your opinion, what has been the best thing about undertaking an Apprenticeship?

Being able to focus on learning and ongoing development

What have Acacia Training and your employer done to support your learning journey?

Both Acacia Training and my Employer have enabled me to complete the work in bite-sized chunks that have been easy to manage.

What new skills have you acquired in undertaking the Apprenticeship?

Understanding of dementia

In what ways have Apprenticeships exceeded your expectations? Would you recommend them to others?

Yes I would recommend an Apprenticeship to others! An apprenticeship gives the option to learn as you earn.

To find out how you could benefit from a fully funded Apprenticeship, speak to a member of our expert team today at skills@acaciatraining.co.uk or call us on 01782 646 346

More news

Acacia Training and CGI: A new, exciting ed-tech partnership that highlights the importance of outstanding governance training
7 Jun 2024

Acacia Training and CGI: A new, exciting ed-tech...

Acacia Training are thrilled to be partnering with The Corporate Governance Institute…

Our VTCT Level 3 Certificate in Swedish Massage Starts in Stoke-on-Trent on Saturday 8th June
5 Jun 2024

Our VTCT Level 3 Certificate in Swedish Massage Starts...

Our VTCT Level 3 Certificate in Swedish Massage starts in Stoke-on-Trent on…

#MyWayFriday – creating a culture of personal and professional wellbeing
4 Jun 2024

#MyWayFriday – creating a culture of personal and professional...

Almost a year ago, our Director of People and Culture (Hannah Wheawall)…

8 February 2022

National Apprenticeship Week – Joanne’s Story

Next up in our National Apprenticeship Week spotlight is Joanne Owens, who is a Residential Child Support Officer, currently undertaking a Level 3 Residential Childcare Apprenticeship.

Apprenticeship being undertaken with Acacia Training

Level 3 Residential Childcare

What work experience and / or qualifications did you have before you started your Apprenticeship?

I worked in adult mental health and have obtained Level 2 counselling skills.

In your opinion, what has been the best thing about undertaking an Apprenticeship?

The knowledge I have gained researching certain legislation and cases which they have impacted.

What have Acacia Training and your employer done to support your learning journey?

Both my employer and tutor have been readily available if needed for support and guidance.

What new skills have you acquired in undertaking the Apprenticeship?

My I.T knowledge I felt has expanded by having to navigate both in work and on OneFile.

I would recommend an apprenticeship to others as it has allowed me to challenge myself.

To find out how you could benefit from a fully funded Apprenticeship, speak to a member of our expert team today at skills@acaciatraining.co.uk or call us on 01782 646 346

More news

Acacia Training and CGI: A new, exciting ed-tech partnership that highlights the importance of outstanding governance training
7 Jun 2024

Acacia Training and CGI: A new, exciting ed-tech...

Acacia Training are thrilled to be partnering with The Corporate Governance Institute…

Our VTCT Level 3 Certificate in Swedish Massage Starts in Stoke-on-Trent on Saturday 8th June
5 Jun 2024

Our VTCT Level 3 Certificate in Swedish Massage Starts...

Our VTCT Level 3 Certificate in Swedish Massage starts in Stoke-on-Trent on…

#MyWayFriday – creating a culture of personal and professional wellbeing
4 Jun 2024

#MyWayFriday – creating a culture of personal and professional...

Almost a year ago, our Director of People and Culture (Hannah Wheawall)…

7 February 2022

Apprenticeships benefit employers too – Laura’s Story

So…What’s in it for Employers?

As well as providing their team’s with enhanced knowledge & ability to carry out their roles, there are many, many benefits of Apprenticeship to employers.

Laura Cooper is a HR officer at Crystal Care Solutions who told us how the benefits of Apprenticeships are felt not only by the staff, but by the business as a whole, and ultimately by those in care

Which Apprenticeship subjects are your staff undertaking?

Level 3 Residential Childcare

How have Apprenticeships benefitted the business and your staff?

The Apprenticeships allow us to maintain our regulatory compliance and also improve the quality of care our employees can give to the young people in our care.

How has the Apprenticeship training positively impacted the service you provide to your clients and / or customers?

Our clients (local authorities and the young people they place in our care) benefit from employees who get a full knowledge of the legislation that governs the sector and who have further been taught how to apply this legislation practically to ensure young people are kept in a safe environment where there are cared for and pushed to achieve.

In what ways have Apprenticeships exceeded your expectations? Would you recommend them to others?

The Apprenticeships not only taught our employees how to practically apply legislative guidance and provide a high quality of care for our young people, but it also teaches valuable English and IT skills, meaning employees communication within our multi-agency network is of a higher standard.

To find out how you could benefit from a fully funded Apprenticeship, speak to a member of our expert team today at skills@acaciatraining.co.uk or call us on 01782 646 346

More news

Acacia Training and CGI: A new, exciting ed-tech partnership that highlights the importance of outstanding governance training
7 Jun 2024

Acacia Training and CGI: A new, exciting ed-tech...

Acacia Training are thrilled to be partnering with The Corporate Governance Institute…

Our VTCT Level 3 Certificate in Swedish Massage Starts in Stoke-on-Trent on Saturday 8th June
5 Jun 2024

Our VTCT Level 3 Certificate in Swedish Massage Starts...

Our VTCT Level 3 Certificate in Swedish Massage starts in Stoke-on-Trent on…

#MyWayFriday – creating a culture of personal and professional wellbeing
4 Jun 2024

#MyWayFriday – creating a culture of personal and professional...

Almost a year ago, our Director of People and Culture (Hannah Wheawall)…

7 February 2022

National Apprenticeship Week – Amy’s Story

Many members of Team Acacia have studied Apprenticeships themselves, helping them get to where they are today! One shining example of this is our Director of Education, Amy Fowles, who completed Level 5 Operational and Departmental Manager Apprenticeship in 2020.

How would you describe an Apprenticeship to someone who is not familiar with Apprenticeships?

An Apprenticeship is a programme of development, it’s not just a qualification. It’s next level learning because it adapts to you and your role in a way other programmes can’t. You learn about yourself, your role and sector as well as modern society and you role within it.

Apprenticeships are flexible and adapt to meet the needs of each individual – they challenge you to reach your potential and push you to be the best version of yourself!

What encouraged you to undertake an Apprenticeship?

Initially because of the opportunity to develop in my role and do something that would have an impact on my work. The fact that I could undertake it whilst working unlike previous qualifications was a massive bonus

Has the Apprenticeship enabled you to progress in your career and / or achieve personal goals?

The Apprenticeship rapidly increased the capacity in my role and allowed me to undertake projects that directly impacted the team. Since completing it I have been promoted into higher level roles and have signed up for my next apprenticeship, which starts in April!

In your opinion, what has been the best thing about undertaking an Apprenticeship?

The flexibility of an Apprenticeship allows for learning to be modified for the needs of each individual, each employer and each sector, ensuring impact is maximised and every apprentice has the opportunity to achieve to their maximum capacity.

To find out how you could benefit from a fully funded Apprenticeship, speak to a member of our expert team today at skills@acaciatraining.co.uk or call us on 01782 646 346

To find out how you could benefit from a fully funded Apprenticeship, speak to a member of our expert team today at skills@acaciatraining.co.uk or call us on 01782 646 346

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Acacia Training and CGI: A new, exciting ed-tech partnership that highlights the importance of outstanding governance training
7 Jun 2024

Acacia Training and CGI: A new, exciting ed-tech...

Acacia Training are thrilled to be partnering with The Corporate Governance Institute…

Our VTCT Level 3 Certificate in Swedish Massage Starts in Stoke-on-Trent on Saturday 8th June
5 Jun 2024

Our VTCT Level 3 Certificate in Swedish Massage Starts...

Our VTCT Level 3 Certificate in Swedish Massage starts in Stoke-on-Trent on…

#MyWayFriday – creating a culture of personal and professional wellbeing
4 Jun 2024

#MyWayFriday – creating a culture of personal and professional...

Almost a year ago, our Director of People and Culture (Hannah Wheawall)…